To support a safer and more secure future by assembling, augmenting, and making accessible the entirety of the world’s cybersecurity knowledge.
Our Mission
Knowledge Dispersed and Lost
Cybersecurity knowledge is spread out across dozens of academic repositories, thousands of conference sites, and tens of thousands of personal sites and code repos. Conference proceedings and websites are not archives, and they have a tendency to come and go. People take down personal sites and repos for various reasons. We shouldn’t have to rely on general purpose archiving efforts to preserve such an important set of information.
Reality Has Caught Up To The Hype
Technology is pervasive and connectivity persistent in our lives. Computers used to take up whole buildings, then rooms, then merely space on a desktop. Now laptops, handhelds, wearables, and implantables are commonplace. The security of that technology is becoming a matter of grave importance.
Systemic Problems
The amount of security research produced on an annual basis is too voluminous for anyone to effectively consume. Lack of awareness means perpetual wheel-reinvention. You can’t access most academic research if you cannot afford to pay the associated fees, and while independent research is free, it is also hard to find and often poorly documented. We tend to work in cliques, the size of which is dwarfed by the number of people looking at a given problem worldwide.